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Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences

The Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences aims to develop the students' ability to create a mutually supportive and respective society with specific professional business skills.

About the Faculty

Japan today is facing huge changes such as the rapidly aging population, the declining birthrate, urban population growth, the weakening of local economies and rural communities, and globalization as well as lifestyle changes such as the increasing participation of women in all aspects of society and the question of work-life balance. To respond promptly to these changes, we must create new systems and reform existing systems.

CUC established the "Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences" (HSS) in April 2014 in order to nurture human resources who can solve the diverse needs of society by developing new business solutions.

Social needs represent new business opportunities. To find the best solutions to address these social needs, it is important to know what the problems of society are and why the problems exist in the first place. HSS focuses on two aspects of learning. By studying a combination of sociology-related subjects (Humanities, Family Issues, Social Welfare) and business-related subjects (Commerce, Economics, Management) the students will acquire the knowledge and skills they need to succeed in business and contribute to society.

Active Learning

HSS The Faculty provides many opportunities outside the classroom for students to practice what they have learned in the classroom. This is called "Active Learning." The students can apply their knowledge to real business and realize how it works. Hands-on experience is the best way to consolidate what they have learned.

HSS corporate partners listed below are well-known companies and NPOs, excellent social service providers promising to contribute actively to our students' learning process. Internships in their offices, collaborative projects, volunteer activities and opportunities of interaction with people in real business and society will help the students deepen their learning and acquire really useful knowledge and skills required by society.

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