Home >> Python >> Panda3D Texture and Material



from direct.showbase.ShowBase import ShowBase
from direct.showbase.Loader import Loader
from panda3d.core import *

base = ShowBase( )
loader = Loader( base )
model = loader.loadModel( "cube.dae" )

tex = loader.loadTexture( "ABCD.jpg" )
model.setTexGen( TextureStage.getDefault( ), TexGenAttrib.MWorldPosition )
model.setTexture( tex )

model.setPos( 0, 10, -1 ) 
model.setHpr( -90, 0, 0 )
model.setScale( 2 )
model.reparentTo( render )

base.run( )


model.setTexTransform(TextureStage.getDefault(), \
	TransformState.makePosHprScale(VBase3(0,0,0),VBase3(0, 90, 180),VBase3(-1,1,1)))



from pandac.PandaModules import Material
from pandac.PandaModules import VBase4
#VBase4 has to be imported in order to set colors in the methods

myMaterial = Material()
myMaterial.setShininess(5.0) #Make this material shiny
myMaterial.setAmbient(VBase4(0,0,1,1)) #Make this material blue

myNode = loader.loadModel("cube.dae") #Load the model to apply the material to
myNode.setMaterial(myMaterial) #Apply the material to this nodePath
	material.setAmbient(VBase4(R,G,B,A)) # 全体色
	material.setDiffuse(VBase4(R,G,B,A)) # 反射色
	material.setEmission(VBase4(R,G,B,A)) # グロー(自己発光)色
	material.setShininess(実数値) # specularのサイズ
	material.setSpecular(VBase4(R,G,B,A)) # ハイライト色

Panda 3d Affine Transform Python Python 3d Lighting/Camera