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Campus Map

Campus with Tall Trees and Green Lawns

CUC is in Konodai, Ichikawa-shi, about a 20-minute train ride from Tokyo station. The campus has many facilities for students.


Main Building

The Main Building houses administrative offices handling student affairs on the lower three floors and the President’s office, conference rooms etc. on the upper floors. A multi-purpose conference room is located on the top floor. Students have free access to the computers in the campus life center.

Main Building

Main Building

Building No.1

Building No.1 has large classrooms, a fully-equipped broadcasting studio, and student lounges on the first floor, and regular and smaller classrooms and a common room for the graduate school on the second and third floors. This building is a "green" building. The rooftop is used for gardening to provide natural insulation, rainwater and well-water are used to flush toilets and water the plants on the roof, and there is sensor-controlled lighting throughout.

Digital Broadcasting Studio

The Digital Broadcasting Studio on the first floor of Building No.1 is equipped with professional-quality facilities. The state-of-the-art facilities makes it possible for students to do recording, cutting-edge, real-time, nonlinear editing using digital video and computers, and 5.1 sound editing. The programs produced are broadcast both on and off campus using a high-speed network.

Building No.1

Building No.1

Building No.3

In addition to regular classrooms, Building No.3 has computer rooms and ATM.

Building No.3

Building No.3


The Library houses about 630,000 books, more than 2,700 kinds of magazines, DVD, Bru-ray Disk and CD-ROM.



The University DINING

The University Dining is the largest cafeteria space on campus with seating for 350. Wooden beams reproduce the random rhythms of nature, bathing the dining area in a soft light like sunlight filtering through the trees. Here visitors can enjoy a meal designed to be both nutritious and delicious in a cafe-like atmosphere.

The University DINING

The University DINING

The University HUB

The University HUB, opened in 2016, is a learning facility for students with space for group work and small meetings.
Co-works Lab(ROOM01~07 / KOSAKU ROOM / PC area) / DANCE & LIVE Studio / CUC International Square *Description below / University Theater / TATAMI ROOM

The University HUB

The University HUB

CUC International Square (iSquare)

iSquare offers daily exposure to English language and different cultures, almost like being in a café in a foreign country while being on campus. It offers a variety of cultural exchange activities.
By participating in a variety of activities, regular events and programs, students are inspired to study English, improve their communication skills, gain confidence, make friends and participate in exchange programs overseas. Some activities available at iSquare include free sessions (free talk or discussion on various topics), private sessions (face-to-face lessons), and monthly events etc. Students can also enjoy improving English by playing board games and taking part in quizzes.

CUC International Square (iSquare)

CUC International Square (iSquare)

Athletic Facilities

CUC has substantial athletic facilities. These facilities are used for physical education courses, and also by extracurricular clubs and teams.

Gymnasium / Sports ground / Tennis courts / Judo and kendo halls / Table tennis facilities / Training center / Inagoshi Playing Field

Training Center

The Training Center is available for intensive training sessions for the university's athletic clubs, and as accommodation during training camps by other clubs as well as international exchange programs.

Inagoshi Playing Field

CUC's Inagoshi Playing Field opened in 2014 in Inagoshi, Ichikawa. Along with the main field, the facility is equipped with an indoor practice field and bullpens, as well as educational buildings.

Site Area: 26,495㎡ / Indoor Practice Field Area: 450㎡ / Floor space of buildings: Approx. 3,870㎡

Athletic Facilities

Athletic Facilities

Student Hall

The Student Hall houses about 60 club rooms and other rooms to support student activities.

Student Hall

Student Hall

International Dormitory

International Dormitory is available for exchange students from CUC partner universities and International students of CUC.

International Dormitory

International Dormitory

Guest House

CUC has a Guest House New Annex, situated next to the campus, to accommodate researchers from overseas and visitors attending seminars held on campus. The Guest House New Annex has four single apartments, two family apartments, and a common room.

The Guest House

The Guest House

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